Sabtu, 03 Maret 2012

Shumi (Hobby)

日本 ご クラブ (Japanese Club)

  1. Watashi wa (country) jin desu---> watashi wa Indonesiajin desu. (I'm Indonesian)
  2. Shumi wa (hoby) desu. Please put some words below for your hobby
    eiga : movie
    saikuringu : bicycle
    dakusho : reading
    suiei : swimming
    pinpon : Ping-Pong
    ryouri : cooking
    ongaku : music
    shashin : photography
    ryokoo : travelling
    yamanobori : climbing mountain

Example :

Q : A-san, shumi wa nan desu ka. (A-san, what's your hobby?)
A : Shumi wa dakusho desu. (my hobby is reading).


shumi wa eiga to ongaku to yamanobori desu. (my hobby are  movie, music, and yamanobori)


ijou desu (that’s all)

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